Check the ICAI CA Final Syllabus For Nov 2023 Exam

The ICAI releases the CA Final Syllabus on its official website. Hence, students who are planning to appear for the CA Final Nov 2023 attempt must make it a point to visit the website and check the syllabus. Also, students can download the CA Final syllabus PDF anytime from any device.
The CA Final exam has eight subjects divided into two groups, each having four subjects. After you get the syllabus, you can find all the details of subjects, topics, sub-topics, important concepts, mark distribution and weightage.
CA students might also know that ICAI has proposed a CA New Scheme, which is applicable from 2024 attempts. So, there are a few major changes to the entire CA course, and the CA Final New Syllabus also has a few changes. From eight subjects, there will be six subjects, and there will be 30% MCQ-based questions in every paper. Also, there will be a negative mark of 0.25 for every wrong MCQ answer. Also, for CA aspirants who appeared in the May attempt, as per ICAI’s latest notification, the CA Final Result 2023 will be out by 5 July 2023.
Now, let’s check out some details about the CA Final Nov 2023 syllabus.
CA Final Syllabus As Per The Existing Scheme
As per the existing scheme for students who will sit for the CA Final Nov 2023 exams, this is the syllabus:
CA Final Group 1 subjects |
CA Final Group 2 subjects |
Every subject in the CA Final exam is very important. Students must score at least 40% on each paper and 50% to clear the CA Final exam.
CA Final Exam Pattern
Besides the CA Final Syllabus, students must also know the CA Final exam pattern. Below is the exam pattern:
Particulars | Details |
Mode of examination mode | Offline and pen-paper-based |
Exam duration | Three hours |
Total marks | 800 each paper carries 100 marks |
Language | English/Hindi |
Type of questions | Subjective questions |
Marking scheme | No negative marking |
ICAI has a different pattern of exams for all the subjects of the CA final. Papers 3,4,7 and 8 have 30 marks for MCQ and 70 marks for subjective-based questions. Paper 6 is an open-book exam; other papers have normal exam patterns.
The CA Final exam will be offline, paper-based, and conducted in the designated ICAI exam centres. Applicants can appear for the exams in either Hindi or English; when filling out the CA Final exam form, they can mention their language preferences. Candidates will have 3 hours to complete the exam paper and will get an additional 15 minutes only to read the question paper. The exam dates are 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th, 12th, 14th and 16th Nov 2023.
Study Material For ICAI Final November 2023 Attempt
Besides the CA Final Syllabus, ICAI also releases the study material on its official website. This study material has important details like marks weightage, the types of questions asked, exam patterns, and more. The study material also includes RTPs, MTPs, previous year’s questions, answers of the toppers, and other materials that will help better prepare for CA Final exams.
CA Intermediate Nov 2023 Admit Card Details
Students who are eligible and complete the CA Final exam form can get their admit cards 14 days after the exam. ICAI issues the admit card online, and they can download it from the ICAI e-services portal and carry it to the hall.
Some Important Tips To Cover The CA Final Syllabus
When preparing for the Final exams, here are a few important tips that will help you with your preparation:
- Always refer to ICAI’s study material and solve all their model test papers, sample papers, mock tests, and other past question papers.
- Also, you should consider covering the entire CA Final syllabus 2-3 months before the main exam so that you have enough time to revise and appear for mock tests.
- Give equal importance to both practical and theoretical parts of the syllabus.
For a detailed CA Final syllabus, you can visit the official website of ICAI. Moreover, joining an ideal coach is also of utmost importance.
Furthermore, VSI Jaipur provides CA Online Classes and Offline classes. Hence, make it a point to join proper coaching and prepare well.
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