How Different Foods Affect Your Skin Health

Skin, being the largest organ of the body, is prone to so much damage due to the sun, pollution, aging, stress, poor hygiene, and unhealthy lifestyles. Your skin is your protective barrier against the harsh environment. The best dermatologist in Lahore states that you cannot stop the aging process, but you can control how you age. Skin health can be boosted in a variety of ways. The most important and easy pathway to healthy plump skin is a good, balanced diet.
Factors affecting the skin
If you’re like most people, you will be worrying most of your time about skin health. What is important to know first is what affects it the most. Following is a list of factors that affect the skin increasing the aging process and making it less than optimal healthy.
Oxidative stress
Oxidative stress occurs when there is an increased amount of free radicals and oxidants in the body. This may lead to chronic inflammation, and fragmentation of collagen, and may contribute to skin diseases such as skin cancer. Free radicals may be increased by highly processed food, alcohol intake, and smoking.
Inflammation increase
Increased inflammation in the body occurring due to whatever reason, may further lead to a negative impact on the skin.
Dry skin is usually harmless. If not taken care of, it may then lead to serious sin conditions such as eczema. It may also cause rashes and cracked skin. This initiates an itching response which when done, damages the skin further.
Foods that affect your skin positively
The best way to fight off free radicals is to have a healthy diet rich in antioxidants, phytonutrients and omega-3s. Let’s find out how different foods like sea buckthorn oil affect your skin so you may better decide which ones to take an which to avoid.
Fatty fishes
Fatty fishes are an excellent source of omega 3 fatty acids for people who do not have an issue with animal proteins. These fatty acids improve cholesterol and help with fighting off inflammation. Your heart health will be boosted by improving circulation. These fatty acids help to give a shine to your skin and prevent it from turning flaky and dry.
Different variants of carotenoids are available in tomatoes, a few of which include lycopene, beta-carotene, and lutein. They have an anti-aging feature that prevents the formation of wrinkles and prevent the skin from the sun’s glare. They also protect from air pollutants that harm the skin.
Nuts and seeds
All forms of nuts and seeds are skin-friendly. Seeds such as flax seeds are sources of omega 3 fatty acids which smoothen the skin texture. They also contain vitamin E along with the fats to keep your skin hydrated. Chia seeds, walnuts, and almonds are other examples.
Sweet potatoes and carrots
These beta-carotene rich vegetables are essential for a healthy looking skin. The body converts the beta-carotene in these and other vegetables, such as pumpkin, papaya and cantaloupe to form Vitamin A. this is what makes the skin look softer. It acta as a natural sunblock as well, protecting the skin from harmful UV rays.
Bell peppers and Vitamin C-rich foods
Bell peppers are rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin A. these are important ingredients to repair damaged skin and enhance the growth potential of cells. Collagen production is improved by these nutrients as well. Other vitamin C containing foods that are rich in antioxidants are broccoli, oranges, lemons, limes, strawberries and kiwi.
Dark chocolate
This treat contains flavanols in addition to antioxidants and vitamins. It reduces the rough texture from the skin, and makes it smoother and supple. It hydrates the skin making it resistant to sunburn as well.
Mushrooms are a source of vitamin D, selenium, and antioxidants. They minimize acne and breakouts and prevent infections of the skin. They also help in delaying the aging process; by reducing the formation of lines and wrinkles.
Oats contain saponins which are natural cleansers. They help in removal of dirt and oil that clogs the pores. This way they aid in exfoliating the skin. Dead skin cells are removed by the antoxidants available in oats. Selenium helps protect the cells from damage.
Final Thoughts
Keeping a healthy diet rich in vitamin C and antioxidants can help give you the best skin you could ask for in no time. It is better option to improve diet than synthetic treatments for a long-lasting positive effect on the skin.